Get Involved
Our vision is ambitious and our mission is clear so please support us in making a meaningful impact on our youth and the disadvantaged and, in doing so, help transform our world. There are many ways to advance our purpose:

We are constantly seeking out programs, initiatives and ideas that align with our vision and mission so share your ideas with us. Our Advisory Board is keen to hear how you can help us identify the greatest opportunities to support causes which maximize the ripple effect of positive change.

One of the Foundation’s core beliefs – ‘no one can do everything, but everyone can do something’ – serves as an invitation for each of us to help in the realization of our vision and mission. We welcome any and all the time and energy you can give, so let us know how you can assist us in widening our impact.

Your generous support of the Leah Battista Foundation is fully tax-deductible so please consider either a one time or recurring donation.
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